Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Health Problems Arising If Often Angry

The Art Of Sacred Space Travel Blog - Angry is a natural response to do if there is something beyond expectations and is considered abnormal and dangerous. Many things can trigger these emotions. Could be due to annoying coworkers, poor road conditions, the attitude of others to the contrary, and other conditions that can provoke emotions.

Actually, the emotion of anger is a blessing because it suggests there are things that went wrong that should be immediately addressed. But the ways in which to express angry attitude that makes the condition becomes worse. Apparently not only worsen the relationship with the person who reprimanded, often angry will also adversely affect health.

When he was angry, chemical reactions in the body that adapts to the level of anger. Such as adrenal glands which flood the body with stress hormones and the brain then transfer blood from the gut to the muscles. Not only is it in a state of angry heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature increases and sweaty skin. Our minds also become more sharp and focused. Some short-term health problems and long-term associated with uncontrolled anger are as follows.

1. Headaches
Headache becomes a disorder that is often experienced by people after angry. This is due to physiological changes that occur in the body because of angry people tend to put pressure on the jaw that makes the muscles in the face and head tension, so that trigger headaches. Usually there are two types of headaches experienced due to the frequency of angry tension headaches and migraines.

Unfortunately there is no specific way to prevent headaches after anger. The only way is quiet to not upset with the overabundance and learn self-control.

2. Stomach Pain
It turns angry ganggun can also cause indigestion such as abdominal pain. When you're angry, be increased levels of stomach acid. It is then a cause of a variety of abdominal pain such as acid reflux, heartburn, or constipation.

3. Insomnia
Who says vent emotions of anger can sleep soundly. This condition is often makes insomnia if done too often and with excessive expression. When angry, volatile hormones in the body that makes the body could not rest. Consequently causes sleep disorders so that the body becomes an easy target for many diseases.

4. Taste Restless
Psychologically anger can foster a feeling of restlessness because there is a bad relationship with something you mad. This anxiety in the long term can lead to severe depression. This then triggers other diseases.

5. High Blood Pressure
Irritability indicates that you are experiencing high blood pressure. Patients are usually more likely to lose the ability to recognize anger, fear, sadness, and facial expressions. If you're angry, it's a sign that your condition was not good. So it is expected to hanger themselves to the blood pressure returns to normal.

6. Heart Attack
Research shows that excessive emotional outbursts could endanger lives. The greater the anger, the risk is higher when uncontrollable emotion, the body releases a chemical response to epinephrine and norepinephrine. Both of these hormones can increase blood pressure, pulse, narrowing of blood vessels, making blood platelets coagulate. This condition increases the risk of heart disease.

Well if you like angry, it is worth considering in advance the consequences. The reason is not that you scold colleagues affected by large, but it is your own. Angry because ideally angry indeed a natural attitude that God entrusted to us. However angry with grace and do not make yourself seen as bad by others, even endanger yourself.

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Why Fiber Important For Pregnant Women?

The Art Of Sacred Space Travel Blog - Fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits are very important means for pregnant women. Increase your intake of fiber in the daily diet of pregnant women can reduce the risk of a variety of health problems, ranging from pre-eclampsia to hemorrhoids or piles.

An important benefit of fiber is often revealed is its role in preventing preeclampsia. It is a dangerous condition in pregnant women and the leading cause of premature birth. Preeclampsia is characterized by increased blood pressure, swelling of the face and heel, as well as the presence of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be experienced by one in 10 pregnant women. Infants of mothers who had preeclampsia mostly born prematurely and impaired development.

According to research experts, the consumption of high-fiber foods in the main-trimester pregnant women may help reduce the risk of preeclampsia. A study published the American Journal of Hypertension showed that pregnant women who increase fiber intake by 5 grams a day-the equivalent of two strands of pure-wheat bread has decreased about 14 percent the risk of preeclampsia. Research was initiated by experts in obstetrics and gynecology at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, Washington, found that high fiber intake before and during early pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of preeclampsia among 1,538 pregnant women that they monitor.

Another benefit from the consumption of high fiber foods during pregnancy, according to experts from the American Diabetes Association, is to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes. Fiber intake will improve the ability of mothers in the control hamul gestational diabetes, especially for those who experience it. By changing diet predominantly fibrous food menu and carbohydrates, but low in fat, can help reduce the use of insulin.

In addition, high intake of fibrous foods for pregnant women can also reduce cases of hemorrhoids (piles), which often occurs during pregnancy. Pengejanan when defecating and the increased pressure on the veins during pregnancy will cause hemorrhoids to swell. But with increasing fiber intake, it will make bowel movements become easier and easier disposal, which in turn can reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.